Thursday, August 24, 2006

Vacation of Sorts

It may just be impossible for a New Yorker with a laptop to take a real go anywhere in the world and forget for a few moments what inevitably awaits our return. It's especially hard when anywhere in the world happens to be Ocean City Maryland. That's right, I admit it...I'm vacationing in Maryland. (Don't ask, and accept my admission as proof enough.) But that's the lack of posts, and vacation is a relative term when you work in real estate. It's impossible for instance to pass a huge for-sale sign prominently displayed on a front yard, featuring a big cheesy picture of the listing agent, and not think for a second...holy shit, Is that what I do for a living? Am I that guy? Do I in any way resemble this jerk wad? It's enough to ruin yet another semi-vacation. Well that and the incessant news about real estate bubbles down here and how creative it's become to offer a TV with the new house. I'll be back in NYC soon enough.

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